The Reasons Cyclist Love 100km Cycle Ride to Lonavala

100km Cycle Ride Lonavala

100km cycle ride is every cycling enthusiasts dream. Lonavala is like a holy place for cyclists like us, especially the Puneites. You may have often seen cyclists riding towards Lonavala on the weekends. It is a tourist destination, but cyclists avoid going there to roam around. The ultimate weekend destination for cyclists is the Lonavala 0km milestone.

It’s been a long since I have written about my 100km cycle ride. Amidst various curtains of Covid19 protocols like complete lockdown, partial lockdown, the second wave, re-visiting lockdown finally nailing it with ‘weekend lockdown’. I have managed to cycle on an average of 250kms a month earlier. Well, it might be encouraging for the beginners and even satisfactory km count for an occasional enthusiast to be proud of. But I managed to stay active, which was very important considering the situation around us. My friend & our group mentor Sumit has aptly explained the Covid19 situation, staying positive & hopeful in his blog post.

My maiden 100km ride to Lonavala was also my longest ride which I completed one year back. You can find the details of the ride in another post on my cycling page. Post that ride, I wrote about the severe back pain I suffered due to the improper fitting of my new bike’s handlebar. 

I had to go on a short break for some time and then gradually started and what more – I completed 2 more 100km rides. Lonavala ride in 2021 was due for a long. Finally, the hour came when our Country Cycling Club decided to ride to Lonavala on Saturday, 10th July 2021.

100km Cycle Ride Preparation:

For any long cycle ride, preparation is a must. Most important is to build endurance for long rides. I cycled 25-30kms almost every day in the last week of June mixed with 5k, 7k runs on few days. My last ride was 77km to Kamshet on Saturday 3rd July. For the next 4 days, I could not go for a ride or run due to work & other things. But I was fully prepared to go on this ride. 

Ride Begins:

We decided to start at 4.30 am. Sumit was not joining us as he had recently taken a second dose of vaccine for Covid19. Ritesh & I started from our society from Pimple Saudagar, Gaurikant joined us at Shivar Chowk.

The rainy season is bliss in Pune. Outside it was cloudy temperature must be around 20-22 degrees celsius, though it was kind of cold. We started our ride, felt fresh air on the face. Looking at the clouds, I thought it might rain we may have to cancel our ride.

The road to Lonavala is straight from our place. Headed towards Wakad flyover, took a U-turn and straight on the Bangalore-Mumbai highway. This road is a favourite among many cyclists. It is a weekday practice road for many cyclists to do their endurance rides. Many cyclists usually ride to Dehu Road Y junction or Prati Shirdi. It is like a 35km/50km return ride depending on the location they stay in Pune.

Mind Speaks:

As we were heading towards Lonavala. I was thinking, this ride is so different from my first ride to Lonavala. During my first ride, I had a leg pen immediately after riding a few km. I was constantly thinking about the destination & remaining km & also took several water breaks. But during this ride, I was not thinking about the destination & there was no pain. I was simply enjoying the ride. 

Water Break is Must:

100km Cycle Ride to Lonavala

We took our first water break after 30kms of the continuous ride. For long cycle rides we should always take quick/short water breaks, it not only helps to hydrate but also recommended to cool down your muscles. I carry 2 water bottles on long rides, one bottle of water mixed with Enerzal & the other one with plain water. For me, 2 water bottles are also not sufficient.

100km Cycle Ride to Lonavala is it Challenging?

It can be challenging for some beginners. There are a couple of climbs on this road. Kamshet-climb can be difficult but with practice and a positively determined mindset, you can easily climb. It was challenging for me when I completed my first ride. This time it was not that difficult. 


Once you climb and start descending towards Lonavala, you will feel the drop in temperature. The difference is immediately felt. It is a soothing experience. When you look on both sides of the road, you see the earth covered with lush green carpet. There is a certain charm in the monsoon season in Maharashtra.

Lonavala Zero – 0 km:

After 2.5 hours ride, we reached Lonavala. The most exciting part of the journey is to get clicked alongside or on the Lonavala zero 0km milestone.

Cyclist at Lonavala

For the first time, I managed to reach early. So I had the liberty to get clicked first. As Sumit says, ‘Rahul, tu sirf picture khichwane ke liye cycling karta hain’ – (Rahul, you only ride to get clicked) Hahaha.

For successfully completing a 100km cycle ride, it is always recommended to carry some snacks like almonds, cashews, dates or bananas or any nutritional bars to regain some energy. We had our energy dose, refilled our water bottles and started our return journey.

Return Journey:

I was not at all feeling tired. We reached Kamshet-climb on the top, we clicked some pictures and later enjoyed the descend towards Vadgaon Maval. Now the clouds were on & off, Sun was becoming a little harsh, in between clouds played their role, the ride was still not that uncomfortable.

Last Few Miles:

I have observed that always the last 8-10km of my return cycle ride are physically challenging, then I realised that it’s not a physical but a mental challenge. I start thinking that I am now tired & home should be just at the next corner. The same thought came to my mind when I reached Thergaon. I immediately ignored the voice and kept peddling towards home. I finished the journey in 4 hours and 27 minutes which is the fastest 100km ride for me at an average speed of 23.8km/hour.

Post Ride Recommendations: 

Post any 100km or any long cycle ride, it’s important to do your stretches. It is equally important to hydrate your body and eat a protein-rich food. It will take care of the fatigue generated in the muscles and overall body. 

I had a bottle of water mixed with BCAA & egg whites which is essential for my muscle replenishment. At lunch, eat a proper meal again with protein (Paneer) and carbohydrates (Rice). It is also crucial to give your body the required amount of rest through sleep which helps in full recovery.

Leave your encouragement through your comments if you liked reading it and have any comments on my observations on a typical 100km cycle ride. 

Do not forget to Share With Your Friends and tag @rahuldesaleofficial on Instagram and other social media platforms to spread the word- fitness is important & it is a journey. Thank you!

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