Me and my childhood memories

Childhood Memories

I always thought about writing a diary.I have even bought it a couple of times but I could never write more than a page. Eventually, it never continued. So here I am presenting my digital diary to you.

We all have memories:

We all have different memories of our childhood.Your memories could be different than mine.Memories of school 🏫, friends, teachers, place/places you lived, games you played etc, or there could be some bad memories too. We all have memories. But what we need to remember, are things which bring happiness to our present, things from which we learnt something. Things made us a better human being.

I too have many such memories of my childhood in this blog post.I will be talking about my primary school memories.

My first day of school 🏫

Innocent school boy – no no its not me – image courtesy – canva

The year 1987, I was 6 when my grandfather enrolled me in 1st standard, those days there was no concept of a nursery, pre-primary etc in villages. I got a new white shirt, half khaki pant and new slippers, I was very happy ☺️about that  A bag was never required, one slate, one slate pencil that’s all. 

My school, Jilha Parishad Prathamik School Pimprihat, it was a 2 room, old house made of wooden beams, clay and straw-thatched roofing standing on clay & brick walls. We had “Satranjis” basically handwoven floormat/rugs made of cotton to sit on. The floor was swabbed with cow dung and it wasn’t comfortable to seat as it was pinching 😜 but I was used to it at home. Boys sat on one side and girls on the other side. That’s a typical village primary school of those days.

A Village House

Cow Dung

Next day, after the assembly (present-day terminology) in those days “Prarthana” few of us were asked by our class teacher to go around the village and get the cow dung 🥴 to swab the school floor. We happily agreed as it was a break for us. So the boys used to get the cow dung and girls used to swab the floor. That became every morning routine for us. We also took our time to get the cow dung, in between we played at the temple, went to our homes and had our food. It was fun.


I don’t know if you know this term “TangaTung, a Khandeshi (person from Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India side) will surely know. It’s a name given to an act of forcefully carrying a student to school. Those days some kids refuse to go to school and hide in their homes, so after the assembly, school teacher used to send us to bring such kids to school. We would be going to their houses and drag them to school, 3-4 kids would be holding hand and 4-5 would be holding leg, its called “TangaTung”. If anyone do that in present day, they will behind bars. 😛

There are more such incidences which are stacked in my memory, more to follow in my next post……

If you would like to share some of your memories, do post in the comment section.


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