Living with Ghosts – The horror of being possessed

Childhood Ghost Stories

The Ghost from the Past – My Childhood Ghost Story continues. In this part, I will be talking about the horror of being possessed by Ghosts. The practice of exorcism in rural India. The effect of this on my life.

The Second Phase 

Knowing that the Ghosts possessed my mother, It was scary for me. Being the youngest child in the house, she loved me more than my other two siblings. Mothers love is equal for all her children, though thought she had a soft corner for me 😊 .

She was diagnosed with Tuberculosis (TB) & her health was deteriorating.

Grandfather & Father would take her to different hospitals for the treatment. Her maternal uncle died of TB and his ghost had possessed her. Never believed this theory or correlation of getting an illness from a Ghost.

Treatments, medicines, prayers nothing was working. When nothing works, we either seek help from God or look for alternatives.

The Exorcism

During those days, it was common to seek help from Mantriks (Exorcist) for an exorcism. Some people will give reference to places where this exorcism carried out, claim how effective it is, how someone had benefited.

Everyone wanted her to be out of this pain. Going to the religious places where the exorcism performed was common. Of course, there was a difference of opinions in the family over this but everyone wished good for her. I was too small to accompany her but heard how these exorcisms performed. Rolling on temple stairs, and whatnot. Was even worth it? I don’t know.

The Pain

Sometimes she was back home on the same day, sometimes after a few days. Complain about extreme pain after the exorcisms. Had no memories of what happened, what’s happening and why it is happening.

Lose consciousness and be in pain for a few days. I used to press her legs as she couldn’t sleep because of body pain. Even the medicines were affecting her.

After a few days, she used to feel better. Doing her regular household chores even go to the farms, have regular food. We used to think that all the spirits, those ghosts have gone. But suddenly someday they would return.

Being with my Her

Growing, seeing her getting clinched to the bed, becoming weaker every day. Those medicines were affecting her. Unable to carry out her daily chores, I would help her with some like sweeping, washing utensils, making afternoon tea.

During our childhood, we all have our set of friends, games. I was also part of  a cricket team. One day we had our match with another cricket team from our village. It was 10 am, busy pressing my mom’s legs & my friends were calling me, a match was about to begin.

Getting late for the match. So I told mom, got to go, will press her legs later. But she was not feeling well & insisted. Got irritated & angrily ran away to play the match.

The second encounter with the Ghost

After finishing a match, returned home. Mom was sleeping.  I sat for lunch in the same room.

Suddenly heard someone calling my name loudly. A manly (Ghosts) voice was coming from the corner of the room.

It was my mom, sitting in the middle of the bed, very stiff, big red eyes, scattered hairs. The rough voice said, “You don’t listen to me”. “I will punish you”. Scared like hell, I ran out screaming.

Grandmother was in the first room, she went inside. I don’t remember what happened inside. Was scared and shaken. Later my grandmother held me close to her and calmed me down. Frightened to go back to my mother.


It is a belief that demonic possession involves a spirit or ghost controls a person’s actions. It was same with my mom; she would not remember a single thing after the attack is over. She would experience missing memories, loss of a sense of control etc.

She asked me to come near to her. My grandmother told her what had just happened. She was feeling sorry for scaring me & I was feeling guilty that I disobeyed her.



This incident left an impact on my mind. I started getting nightmares. Someone is chasing me, & I fall off the cliff, running in some circle. I am running in some deserted place & hands are chasing me, the road is never-ending.

Questioning self

I started questioning

  • People say there are no Ghosts or Spirits then why would a mother scare her kid by acting as possessed by Ghosts? 
  • Why anyone goes through so much pain if he/she is acting as possessed by Ghost?
  • What do those ghosts want from her or anybody? Is there any solution to this problem?

I was too young to find answers to these questions. 

To be continued………………………


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