Century cycling ride to Lonavala – experience & tips

CCG Cycling Group Pune

11th July 2020, Pune – Maharashtra, India

The beginning:

After the Tulapur cycle ride followed by a difficult ride to New Katraj Tunnel, our cycling group (Sumit, Ritesh, Chirag, Divesh, and I) decided to head to the Lonavala. Lonavala is a hill station surrounded by green valleys in western India. It is in between Pune & Mumbai. During the rainy season, a cycle ride to Lonavala is a must. It’s a weekend destination for many. However, this year due to the Covid-19 situation the place looked deserted.

We started at sharp 4.30 am from our society. Our cycling group is very particular about the cycle ride timing thanks to the group leader Sumit. It’s always best to start before dawn, the temperature is just right, morning breeze and dark. The only problem with the morning cycle ride is stray dogs. Don’t know what’s their problem somehow they don’t like cyclists. Maybe their clothes or it’s just us? Don’t know.

Cycle ride in dark is such a pleasure. We hit on to Bangalore – Mumbai Highway. Weather was just perfect till we reached 10-12 km, light showers started. We took shelter below the flyover, one moment we thought we may have to cut short the cycle ride and head back home but fortunately, it stopped. The light showers made the scene even more beautiful.


CCG Cycling group Pune
water break on the way to Lonavala

We took our first water break near Kameshet, it was still dark at 5.40 am, it’s very important to keep yourself hydrated during cycle rides, during the long cycle ride it’s always better to take breaks at regular intervals. My fellow group members were carrying two water bottles each and I think that’s really important. I was carrying just one and I was going to need more water on the way, hoping to find a shop which we did found later.

Journey continues:

After a short break, we started again, you need to be careful while cycling on the highway, be watchful of the trucks, they are the most dangerous, always be on the extreme left of the road, do not ride cycle adjacent to each other.

On the way, we came across many cyclists – friends, similar cycling groups like us, single cyclist, and a father-daughter team. To start cycling you don’t need to be of any particular age, the gentleman looked 50+ and I was amazed to see that he was also heading to Lonavala with his daughter. One day I would also like to ride with my daughter to Lonavala. A thought crossed my mind. Riding down the hill the countryside scene was mesmerizing, lush green, running clouds, rice fields, and train, I stopped to capture it in my eyes for the lifelong memory. 

The destination:

Rahul Desale at Lonavala Check

After 2.5 hrs ride, we finally reached to Lonavala. My first longest cycle ride, the happiness on everyone’s face was just perfect for a memorable picture though the other members had completed it before. Everyone wanted to take a picture on the Lonavala milestone (km post), and the father-daughter duo was there too, we requested them to take our group picture and they obliged.

We all were hungry, Ritesh was carrying dry fruits & energy bar, Sumit was carrying Bananas, both are seasoned riders they know what is required during long cycling rides. We shared the dry-fruits and bananas still hungry ha ha ha ha so we bought some chocolates from the tea stall just near the post.

CCG Cycling Group Pune
CCG Cycling Group, Pune

Return Journey:

After having snacks, tea and buying sufficient water we started our return journey, return journey wasn’t that easy, I was thinking about the hill, flyovers, and terrains which were supposed to be crossed, all my group members were much ahead of me, but they used to stop and wait for me to catch-up in between. With a determination in mind, heading slow and steady I finally reached to Dehu Road turn where my group members were already waiting, we bought some bananas and water again and headed back to home.

The journey becomes more difficult when the home was around 15km away, I thought I won’t make it, but Divesh was accompanying me, we both kept talking about rides, work, etc. which made it a little easy to pass the last few km and finally after 5 hrs 11 min I completed that 104.7km return ride of Lonavala.

Riding Tips:

  1. Prepare one day in advance for the ride.
  2. Have front and backlight for your cycle. It will help with riding in the dark. Easily available on Amazon
  3. Have a puncture kit, spare tube, and air pump. You can buy a saddle bag or bike frame bag to keep the kit. Available on Decathlon.
  4. Wear padded cycling shorts for a comfortable ride.
  5. Carry at least 2 bottles of water.
  6. Carry bananas, dry fruits, and energy bars.
  7. Take breaks in between and importantly if you are group riding wait for your friend who is left behind.
  8. If you are wearing half sleeves t-shirt & don’t want a tan, then wear arm sleeves.

Hope you enjoyed reading. Click here to check for another 100km ride experience.

aapala, Rahul


2 thoughts on “Century cycling ride to Lonavala – experience & tips

  1. Chirag Shah says:

    Father-Daughter duo ??? Very well written and above all the very first 💯km ride.. Keep it up and many more to conquer..

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